What is Kids Community?
Kids Community is a learning environment for children birth through 5th grade. We want to help kids know the Bible, grow together, and share God’s love - all of that being rooted in the foundation of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
We believe every child matters. Through Bible lessons and activities kids are encouraged to journey with and live for Jesus in their daily lives at home, at school, and in their communities. We also believe every family matters and want to walk alongside parents by providing resources to help parents shepherd their children at home.
Kids Community is staffed by a great team of volunteers who love Jesus, who love kids, and who love to shepherd kids in their relationships with Jesus.
How do I involve my child?
Upon arrival, you will be directed to the Kids Community Check-In area in the church lobby. Parents will check-in their children, birth-5th grade, each Sunday upon arrival.
Age Groups:
Kids Community is split up into the following small groups:
Nursery: Birth through age 1
Ages 2s-3s
Ages 4,5,K
Grades 1st - 2nd
Grades 3rd - 5th
What can I expect?
At check-in each child receives a name tag to be worn during the morning. Parents receive a corresponding pick-up tag. After check-in, children will go directly to their small groups. During the course of the morning, all children age 4 through 5th grade gather together for a group Bible story time, then return to their age level small groups. Children in the nursery and 2s-3s remain in their age specific small groups the entire morning.
Children can be picked up by their parents/guardians from their small group rooms following the worship service. Parents will need to present the pick-up tag received at check-in to their child’s small group leader.
The foundation of Kids Community is rooted in our seven values: every child matters, our families matter, the church matters, helping others matters, the truth matters, our journeys matter and every Sunday matters.
These values give us a broad perspective and a big picture of ministry which allows us to narrow our focus to the how.
In our Kids Community we:
Equip ministers for effectiveness
2. Shepherd kids toward faith and obedience
3. Walk alongside parents in guiding their kids
4. Connect families through building relationships
These four points determine our focus and our priority which helps give structure to Kids Community.
With our values and tools, we seek to help your kids live the life to which Jesus is calling them.
Do you have questions? We’d love to chat!
Contact us or email our Director of Children’s Ministries at sadie@cofh.com.